And a bunch of food idioms: an egghead – intelektualista a big cheese – szycha a tough cookie – twardziel a couch potato – leń kanapowy a top banana – gwóźdź programu / szycha a bad apple – zakała See you next time and remember you cannot have a cake and eat it too!
Korzystając z okazji kilka idiomów z kontekstu militarnego używanych na co dzień: SNAFU – situation normal all f*cked up! FUBAR – f*cked up beyond all recognition TARFU – things are really f*cked up! No man’s land – ziemia niczyja / teren zakazany nuclear option – opcja atomowa / drastyczne kroki to go balls to the wall – iść na całość …
Voices to protect wilderness and wildlife are too often voices crying in the wilderness If you find this an interesting topic to discuss, join our Debate Club
and how it impacts our here and now and in future You can discuss topics such as biodiversity in our Debate Club
A bunch of idioms about teaching for a Teacher‘s Day Take it from me – bierz przykład ze mnie That’ll teach them – to ich nauczy! Don’t teach your grandma to suck eggs! – nie ucz ojca dzieci rodzić! tricks of the trade – tajemnica / sekret zawodu to teach sb a lesson – dać komuś nauczkę
Inspiring and motivational stories: First Aid Kit! break a leg! – powodzenia! examples: X: I’m chairing my first debate club tomorrow. Y: Break a leg, dude!